Today these arrived in the mail:

Our Book-It Program. For those of you that don't know, we are homeschooling this year. I will be more posting more about that later. But I am just so excited this showed up in the mail today. I remember doing it growing up & my oldest participated in Kindergarten last year. So when my sister told me they do it for Home school famalies too, I immediately signed up the Cowboy & Monkey. (My little dude isn't old enough yet.) For those of you that don't know what Book-It is, it is a reading program in sponsorship with Pizza Hut for K-6. If your child reaches a certain reading goal every month, they receive a certificate for their own Free Personal Pan Pizza. It last for 6 months. It wonderful & helps give that extra reading motivation goal. It is a fantastic program & my kids love it. Cowboy who would listen to me read all day, but fights me when he has to read on his own is already excited to start earning his by reading on his own! Yeah! I love getting mail that makes me happy. Have a fantastic day & if you get a chance check out this program.!