Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Friday Five: 5 Random Puctures

Friday Five (On Tuesday)

I had originally written this post last Friday, but some unknown reason I couldn't get it to upload. So instead you get it today!

I don't have much time this morning, so here are 5 random pictures from my phone.

1. Dad's Boots

My baby trying to wear his daddies boots. He loves them & anytime he sees them he does his best to put them on.

2. Riding to church.

My oldest wanted to ride his bike to scouts, which is about 3 miles away. Alone. We compromised & let him ride his bike as I followed directly behind in my car. He did it just over 20 minutes.

He was so proud & excited that he could ride his bike there instead of having to ride in the car.

3. The 3 Headed Monster

These boys are so dang cute! And get so excited when they get to be together. They spent this entire morning going around like this & calling themselves a 3 headed monster.

4. The train resturaunt.

We recently went on a trip to Oregon & stopped at the train restaurant to eat. I ate here when I was a little girl about the same age as my boys & wanted to pass this memory along.

1. A Walker

It official. Okay it's been official since the 2nd week in April. My baby is now a walker. And a climber. He can climb on a chair to kitchen table all without help.
So not only can he walk, but climb.
My baby isn't staying a baby long enough.

That about wraps it up. Now off to the barn to help finish up this mornings feeding. Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Great Pics! Is that restaurant in Baker- if so I've been there too!
