Friday, January 17, 2014


     I am sure if you have browsed around the internet for more than a minute or two you would see the trend of choosing one word as a type of New Years Resolution or statement. This year there was something about the idea  that seems to appeal to me. Maybe it was the possibility of making it simpler to actually remember my new years resolutions.

    I  remember growing up, we would almost always have a Family Home Evening about goals in January. My mom would make a cute handout for us to write our resolutions on. Most of the time they would be divided into 4 or more categories: Spiritual, Physical, Mental & Emotional. I used to love those lessons & the excitement of setting new goals, but after several months these great goals would fall by the wayside. Maybe it is my inability to focus on something very long, or that I am slightly blonde or just get easily distracted. Either way many resolutions were set, few were actually accomplished. 

   So for the sake of simplicity & hoping it will "stick" better I am chose One Word for my Goal. 

This year I want LESS.

  • LESS stuff cluttering my home, so I have More time to do what we enjoy.
  • LESS spending, MORE Saving.
  • LESS self doubt, MORE Self belief.
  • LESS discouraging words, MORE encouraging ones.
  • LESS fear of failure, MORE trying new things.
  • LESS time with technology, MORE time with my family
  • LESS reasons why I can't, MORE  . . "I will . . ."
  • LESS poor habits, MORE good ones.
  • LESS time partially distracted, MORE time focused.
You get the idea. I do realize it is kind of a two worded goal, for every "less" I also have a "more" but you get the idea.  I loved this system that I read about last year ( I couldn't find here original post about it, so you get this one). So every month for the next year I am just focusing on one aspect of my less goal. One thing in my life for that month  I want less of & at the end of  the month I will share what is was & how it went. So here is a to a new year with a whole lot  LESS!

Do you have a new years resolution or goal? I would love to hear what it is. 


  1. I've been seeing these one word resolutions and I've been trying to think of one but I just can't! I love your word... it's a great one! Less is a lot of what I'm trying to do this year too.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  2. YES! Love it! This is a great word, and I'm hearing this everyone in so many other different ways. I hope it goes well. Bless you heaps, from Victoria

  3. I love this idea. I also love the word that you chose! What a great way to list your goals
