Menu Monday:
Well here is Menu Monday & this weeks to do list. Sorry for the absence last week, life got crazy & I must say I struggled daily to figure out what to make for dinner without my little extra planning. So even though right now, nothing sounds good, here is my menu Monday:
This Week MENU
Monday - Mexican Chicken Casserole
Tuesday - Marinated Steak & Baked Potato
Thursday -- Hamburger, Potato Carrot, Rice Casserole
Friday -- Sweet & Spicy Pork Salad, with Cilantro Ranch Dressing
Saturday -- Beef Noodles
Sunday -- Roast & Potatoes
Breakfast Ideas: Scrambled Eggs, Fruit & Muffins, Biscuits & Gravy, Hot Cereal, Creamed Egg on Toast, German Pancakes & Waffles
Baking: Bread & Butterscotch oatmeal cookies. Maybe some Bran Muffins, if I can pick up a box of Cracklin Oat Bran from the store.
As for my To-Do List this week. I got most everything done from the previous 2 weeks list, just a few finishing details to be worked out. Somethings will be set aside this week, while I start new projects, others will be worked on.
This Week's To-DO
- Get Valentines, made & ready for next week party!
- Make Valentines holders for all my boys.
- Actually blog.
- Finish editing some pictures.
- Cut out & start piecing Costley Baby quilt. (I would like to have to top pieced by Valentines day so I can take it with me to quilt club.)
- Finishing going through my kids clothes & get rid of more. (Passed on 2 garbage bags full of boys clothes last week & need to get 1- 2 more
- Visit to the temple
- Continue/Finish my version of Project life for January
- Remember this pattern for Crochet slippers, well I &I have started making it, but it is going to require a lot longer to finish. So I am just going to continue working on these this week.

- Get vintage table out of Laundry room & set up in storage room, so I can get back to work on refinishing it.